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The Board`s missing link

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Montgomery, Cynthia A.
The Board`s missing link / Cynthia A. Montgomery, Rhonda Kaufman
Recent corporate collapses have fodused a lot of attention on the manegement-board and management-shareholder relationships, but no reform of corporate governance can succeed unless it establishes a link between shareholders and the board
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - March 2003 ; p. 86-93
1. Crisis empresarial . 2. Administración de empresas . 3. Dirección de empresas . 4. Accionistas . 5. Juntas de accionistas . 6. Negociación . 7. Empresas . 8. Estrategia empresarial . I. Kaufman, Rhonda . II. Título. III. Título: Harvard business review.