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The Impact of insurance prices on decision making biases : an experimental analysis

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Laury, Susan K.
The Impact of insurance prices on decision making biases : an experimental analysis / Susan K. Laury and Melayne Morgan McInnes
This article tests whether the use of endogenous risk categorization by insurers enables consumers to make better-informed decisions even if they do not choose to purchase insurance. It describes an experiments that test whether showing subjects actuarally fair nismance prices reduces desviations from optimal (Bayesian) decision making
En: The Journal of risk and insurance. - Orlando. - Volume 70, number 2, June 2003 ; p. 219-233
1. Mercado de seguros . 2. Tests . 3. Productos de seguros . 4. Toma de decisiones . 5. Análisis estadístico . 6. Métodos actuariales . I. Morgan McInnes, Melayne . II. Título. III. Título: The Journal of risk and insurance.