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Implications of monetary erosion on the insurance industry : proceedings by the Working Group

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Implications of monetary erosion on the insurance industry : proceedings by the Working Group. — Genève : Association de Genève, 1986
163 p. ; 30 cm . — (Études et dossiers ; 98)
Sumario: Where should we go from here?. A few ideas for possible future developments -- Accounting and inflation. Situation in: Republic of Germany, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, France -- Papers prepared for discussion about: Inflation and provisions for unsettled claims in insurance companies. Inflation accounting for non-life insurance companies. Monetary depreciation and life insurance. Solvency margin and inflation
1. Empresas de seguros . 2. Contabilidad . 3. Inflación . 4. Solvencia . 5. Administración de la empresa de seguros . I. Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l'Economie de l'Assurance . II. Études et dossiers ; 98 . III. Título.