
Manage customer-centric-innovation-systematically

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Título: Manage customer-centric-innovation-systematically / Larry Selden and Ian C. MacMillanAutor: Selden, Larry
Notas: It takes more than good intentions to innovate in a customer-centric way. A disciplined process of customer research and development at the front lines will turn wishes into an enduring competitive edge - and a growing market capRegistros relacionados: En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - April 2006 ; p. 108-116Materia / lugar / evento: Servicio al cliente Innovación empresarial Ventaja competitiva Investigación de mercados Segmentación de clientes Otros autores: MacMillan, Ian C.
Títulos secundarios: Título: Harvard business review
Otras clasificaciones: 922.112
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