
Evolving space technologies at a time of financial uncertainty : the role of risk management and insurance : 6-8 April 2011, Rome

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<title>Evolving space technologies at a time of financial uncertainty</title>
<subTitle>: the role of risk management and insurance : 6-8 April 2011, Rome</subTitle>
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<namePart>International Conference on Space Activities DevelopmentRisk Management & Insurance Aspects 16th 2011 Rome</namePart>
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<publisher>The Geneva Association</publisher>
<publisher>Association Internationale pour l'Etude de l'Economie de l'Assurance</publisher>
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<tableOfContents displayLabel="Contents">Programme -- Opening Address / Benito Pagnanelli -- Japan's Long Two Years from the Last Conference / Kouichi Morimoto -- Risk Sharing in Inter-Governmental Space Programmes / Giuseppe Morsillo -- The Risk Handling in Space Programmes / Cosimo La Rocca -- IAC-10.E3.3.13The Role of "Integrated Financing" in the Development of Italy's Space Sector / Giacomo P. Sciortino -- NASA Vision / Michael Wholley -- European GNSS Programmes: EGNOS / Giedre Valentaite -- European Global Satellite Navigation System / Paul Flament -- The Role of GNSS and Satellites in Future European ATM / Anna Masutti -- Legal Issues: How to Avoid Disputes between Insurers and Insureds / Peter Elson -- How to Avoid Disputes Between Insurers and Insured (and Manufacturers) / Stephen O'Neill -- How to Reduce Space Insurance Disputes / Neil Stevens -- What Kind of Satellites for Demanding End Users? / Giuliano Berretta -- SpaceX / Timothy Hughes -- Arianespace Service & Solutions / Jacques Breton -- Evolving Space Technologies at a Time of Financial Uncertainty: the Role of Risk Management and Insurance Launchers & Spacecraft Manufacturing Evolution / Kjell Karlsen -- Satellites in the Connected SocietyInvestment in the Future of the Industry / Barry Noakes -- The PROTON Company / Phil Slack -- H-IIA Launch Services: current Status and Future Perspective / Shigehiro Suzuki -- DS 2000: Platform Update / Toru Yunoki -- IntroductionRisk Management Sessions / Chris Kunstadter -- Why is Facing up to Disaster Management so Critical? / Paul Freeman -- Space Weather: Solar Max 2012-2013 / Peter Elson -- Scientific Research to Help Protect Satellites on Orbit / Richard B. Horne -- Space Weather and Insurance Implications / David Wade -- Monitoring Weather and Climate from Space: What it Takes to Cope with Extreme Events? / Pierre-Alain Schieb -- Space Insurance and Space Debris / Chris Kunstadter -- The Space Data Association / Richard Denny -- Space for New IdeasNew Ideas for SpaceSpace Insurance Update / Chris Kunstadter -- Space Insurance Market Status and Future Outlook / Bruno Bajard -- Statistical Round-up and Forecast / Peter Elson -- China Space IntroductionRisk Management and Insurance Aspects / Shu Lu -- Space Insurance 1: Technological Innovation / David Wade </tableOfContents>
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<topic>Gerencia de riesgos</topic>
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<topic>Industria aeroespacial</topic>
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<topic>Crisis financiera</topic>
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<topic>Seguro espacial</topic>
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<topic>Perspectivas del seguro</topic>
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<topic>Nuevas tecnologías</topic>
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