
The Age of the consumer-innovator

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Hippel, Eric von
The Age of the consumer-innovator / Eric von Hippel, Susumu Ogawa, Jeroen P.J. de Jong
Sumario: Recent research shows that consumers collectively generate massive amounts of product innovation. These findings are a wake-up call for both companies and consumers - and have significant implications for our understanding of new product development
En: Sloan management review. - Cambridge : MIT Sloan School of Management, 1985-2012 = ISSN 1532-9194. - 03/10/2011 Tomo 53 Número 1 - 2011 , p. 27-35
1. Productos . 2. Consumidores . 3. Innovación empresarial . 4. Empresas . 5. Comportamiento del consumidor . 6. Investigación de mercados . 7. Innovación . I. Ogawa, Susumu . II. Jong, Jeroen P.J. de .