
Gender analysis of musculoskeletal disorders and emotional exhaustion : interactive effects from physical and psychosocial work exposures and engagement in domestic work

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Ahlgren, Christina
Gender analysis of musculoskeletal disorders and emotional exhaustion : interactive effects from physical and psychosocial work exposures and engagement in domestic work / Christina Ahlgren, Eva-Britt Malmgren Olsson, Christine Brulin
En: Ergonomics : the international journal of research and practice in human factors and ergonomics. - Oxon [United Kingdom] : Taylor & Francis, 2010- = ISSN 0014-0139. - 01/02/2012 Volumen 55 Número 2 - febrero 2012
I. Olsson, Eva-Britt Malmgren . II. Brulin, Christine . III. Título.