
An Overhaul of European environmental risk

Recurso electrónico / electronic resource
Ladbury, Adrian
An Overhaul of European environmental risk / Adrian Ladbury, Ben Norris
Sumario: European insurers, brokers and their customers will be busy boning up on a whole stack of files from Brussels as news emerged from the EC on two coming changes to environmental rules that will greatly alter corporate exposure to the risk both onshore and offshore.
En: Reactions. - London : Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, 1981- = ISSN 0953-5640. - 04/03/2013 Número Marzo - marzo 2013 , p. 28-32
1. Gerencia de riesgos . 2. Riesgos medioambientales . 3. Evaluación de riesgos . 4. Unión Europea . I. Norris, Ben . II. Título.