
MAPFRE USA - 2018 Volunteer Report

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<title>MAPFRE USA - 2018 Volunteer Report</title>
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<abstract displayLabel="Summary">Volunteering by the Numbers -- 2018 MAPFRE USA Community Champions -- Fundación MAPFRE in the United States -- Fundación MAPFRE around the World -- Fundación MAPFRE Partners in the United States -- Fundación MAPFRE Partners With Teach For America To Welcome Excel Academy Students For Career Day -- Teach For America and Fundación MAPFRE Together on the West Coast -- MAPFRE USA Western Region Hosts Frick Impact Academy for Career Day -- Fundación MAPFRE Funds Grant to WCAC Nutrition Program -- Winter Wonderland Fun with WCAC's Head Start Students -- NPH and MAPFRE Celebrate Seattle Institute Graduates -- Boston Children's Hospital and Fundación MAPFRE Injury Prevention Program - Safe Play Starts Here -- Fundación MAPFRE Partners with Boston Children's Hospital to Raise Awareness for Accident Prevention and Safety -- MAPFRE Employees Donat Over 800 Pounds of Supplies  to Big Brothers Big Sisters oCentral Mass/Metrowest -- Gilbert Arizona  Volunteers at  Local Food Bank -- MAPFRE Human Resources and the Pajama Program -- 2018 Toys for Tots Program  at MAPFRE -- Thanksgiving Food Drive -- Columbus Ohio Blood Drive -- MAPFRE USA Assists Families Affected By Webster Massachusetts Tornado -- Gilbert, AZ Water Drive -- Great Strides Cystic Fibrosis Walk, Putnam Connecticut -- Florida Volunteers Walk to Support a Cure for Heart Disease -- MAPFRE Volunteers Join Making Strides Walk in Support of Breast Cancer Awareness #Thinkpink! -- Boston Children's Hospital Eversource Walk for Kids -- United Way Day Of Caring -- Over 100 MAPFRE People Gave Back on Global Volunteer Day -- Get to Know Fundación MAPFRE -- MAPFRE Volunteers at TouchTomorrow Event -  A Festival of Science,  Technology, and Robots -- MAPFRE Insurance and Columbus Crew SC Players  Serve Meals to Families at 
Ronald McDonald House -- Backpacks for the Homeless -- Giving Back to the  Community: Summer Internship Day of Caring -- Pan-Mass challenge -- Why I Volunteer -- A message from Linda Johnson</abstract>
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<namePart>MAPFRE USA</namePart>
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<topic>Voluntariado social</topic>
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