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Sección: ArtículosTítulo: Business Insurance. November 2019Notas: Número completoContiene: Broker prices keep rising in hot M&A market / Matthew Lerner, Claire Wilkinson -- Presumption laws for cancer, PTSD fall short / Angela Childers -- Can digitized claims replace human touch? / Louise Esola -- Reinsurance rates set to rise at renewals / Matthew Lerner, Gavin Souter -- Cloud-based tools change risk profiles / Matthew Lerner - Profile: Canada - Construction firms struggle with opioids / Angela Childers, Louise Esola - Professional liability: AI meets medicine as double-edged lancet / Claire Wilkinson - D&O Rates rise after unicorns stumble / Judy Grennwald - Cyber liability: Insurers take affirmative stance on cyber / Judy Greenwald - Overextended warranties: What policyholders should know to protect themselves from overbroad warranty statements - Best places to work 2019Registros relacionados: En: Business insurance. - London : Crain Communications INC., 2006-. - 01/11/2019 Número 11 - noviembre 2019 , 40 p.Materia / lugar / evento: Mercado de segurosEmpresas de segurosCiberriesgosRiesgos emergentesInteligencia artificialNuevas tecnologíasRankingMercado de reasegurosEmpresas de reasegurosOtras clasificaciones: 219Derechos: In Copyright (InC) Ver detalle del número