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Sección: Documentos electrónicosTítulo: Risk dashboard : april 2020Publicación: Frankfurt : EIOPA, 2020Descripción física: 20 p.Serie: (EIOPA-BoS/20-274)Notas: Sumario: Risk exposures for the European insurance sector increased as the outbreak of Covid-19 strongly affected the lives of all European citizens with disruptions in all financial sectors and economic activities. Market developments point to a double-hit scenario negatively affecting insurers on both asset and liability side as tested in previous stress test exercises. Macro and market risks indicators deteriorated in March 2020, moving from high to very high level. Overall, GDP forecasts have been revised significantly downwards across countries for 2020. For the first quarter of 2020, EU estimates point to the sharpest decrease of GDP and employment in the last two decades. Inflation forecasts are pointing to downward revisions for the next four quarters. Monetary policy support has been activated by all major central banks. Financial markets have been characterized by sell-off across asset classes, increased volatilities for bond and equity markets, increasing risk premia and flight to quality investment behavior.Materia / lugar / evento: Gerencia de riesgosRiesgo crediticioValoración de riesgosMercado de segurosMacroeconomíaRiesgo financieroCOVID-19CoronavirusPandemiasPolítica monetariaUnión EuropeaOtros autores: Autoridad Europea de Seguros y Planes de Pensiones Otras clasificaciones: 7Derechos: In Copyright (InC)