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Sección: Documentos electrónicosTítulo: Intelligent moves : the European insurance industry's views on artificial intelligencePublicación: Brussels : Insurance Europe, 2020Descripción física: 2 p.Notas: Sumario: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform the modern world, but it also comes with challenges for policymakers, businesses and individuals. Insurance Europe welcomes the work done by the European Commission high-level expert group on AI, in particular its acknowledgement of the need for a principles-based approach to regulation and the avoidance of unnecessarily prescriptive EU rules
Materia / lugar / evento: Inteligencia artificialMercado de segurosNuevas tecnologíasDigitalizaciónTransformación digitalDesarrollo tecnológicoRegulaciónUnión EuropeaOtros autores: Insurance Europe Otras clasificaciones: 216.1Derechos: In Copyright (InC)