
US insurers' profitability unlikely to be impacted by Baltimore bridge collapse

Dowding, Tony
US insurers' profitability unlikely to be impacted by Baltimore bridge collapse / Tony Dowding
Sumario: The Baltimore bridge collapse incident is unlikely to impact the profitability of US insurers, according to GlobalData, despite being one of the most significant maritime losses in US history so far. The incident is expected to lead to the biggest marine insurance payout, costing insurers billions of dollars in losses. GlobalData forecasts it to surpass the marine losses of the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster in 2012
En: Commercial risk: insurance & risk management news.- East Sussex : Commercial Risk. - April 26, 2024 ;
1. Seguro marítimo . 2. Accidentes marítimos . 3. Puentes-grúa . 4. Costes económicos . 5. Estados Unidos . I. Título.