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Sección: Documentos electrónicosTítulo: Allianz global pension report 2025 : time to walk the talk / Michaela Grimm, Arne HolzhausenAutor: Grimm, MichaelaPublicación: Munich : Allianz SE, 2025Notas: Sumario: According to the latest UN forecasts, by2050, the number of people aged 65 and older is set to almost double from 857mn to 1578mn. With declining fertility rates slowing the growth of the working-age population, by midcentury, there will be 26 people aged 65 and older per 100 aged between 15 and 64, compared to 16 today. In this context, it is critical to ask whether public pension systems are prepared to cope with demographic change. On the one hand, their long-term financial sustainability needs to be guaranteed to avoid an overburdening of future younger generations. On the other, they need to be adequate and guarantee an increasing share of elderly people a decent living standard in old age to maintain their acceptance. Strictly pay-as-you go financed pension systems, in which the contributions of the workforce population are used to finance the pensions of current retirees, will not be able to meet both requirements in the long runÁmbito geográfico: InternacionalContiene: The demographic challenge persists -- How to boost the long-term sustainability of pension systems -- Labor markets are the key for successful pension reforms -- The adequacy of pension systems needs to be guaranteed, tooMateria / lugar / evento: Sistemas de pensionesTransformaciones demográficasEnvejecimiento de la poblaciónFinanciaciónReforma financieraPensionesCotización a la Seguridad SocialSostenibilidadJubilaciónOtras clasificaciones: 40Derechos: In Copyright (InC)Referencias externas: