
Taxing times

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Título: Taxing times / David BaxterAutor: Baxter, David
Notas: Most of those premiums went to professional reinsurers, Nacional Reaseguros and MAPFRE RE, buy many local insurers swapped reciprocal business. About one-seventh of Spanish cessions are placed with fellow insurers. Spain 's reinsurance market is much like those found anywhere else in Europe. Munich Re an Swiss Re dominate among foreign reinsurers, and have been active in the country for more than 50 year. Statistics: destination of Spanish gross ceded premium 1997-1998 (source: Nacional de Reasegos); Spanish retention by line 1997-1998 (source: UNESPA, Nacional de Reaseguros) Registros relacionados: En: The Review : worldwide reinsurance. - London : Informa Group Publication. - June 2000 ; p. 27-28Materia / lugar / evento: Reaseguro Empresas de reaseguros Mercado de seguros España Estadísticas Otras clasificaciones: 5
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