
The Problem of false claims of clergy sexual abuse

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Price, David R.
The Problem of false claims of clergy sexual abuse / David R. Price, James J. McDonald
Cases of sexual abuse against children are both tragic and inexcusable. Unfortutanely, as legitime claims of sexual abuse against clergy have developed, so have false allegations. It is the risk manager's responsability to thoroughly evaluate the validity of each claim with sensitivity
En: Risk Management. - New York. - nº 1, January 2003 ; p. 48-51
1. Acoso sexual . 2. Niños . 3. Iglesia Católica . 4. Delitos . 5. Litigios . 6. Evaluación de riesgos . 7. Gerencia de riesgos . 8. Estados Unidos . I. McDonald, James J. . II. Título.