
Perceptual and signal detection factors in radiography

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Manning, D.J.
Perceptual and signal detection factors in radiography / D.J. Manning, J. Leach
This study explored the accuracy of the radiographic interpretation of pulmonary nodules by clinical radiologists and student radiographers, and their correlations with tests of the field-dependency, visual search and spatial reasoning
En: Ergonomics. - London and Washington. - Vol. 45, nº 15, December 2002 ; p. 1103-1116
1. Radiografía . 2. Rayos X . 3. Radiodiagnóstico . 4. Enfermedades pulmonares . 5. Formación . 6. Tests . 7. Ergonomía . 8. Psicología clínica . I. Leach, J. . II. Título. III. Título: Ergonomics.