MAP20071506191 Barnett, Arnold CAPPS II : the foundation of aviation security? / Arnold Barnett A new computer system is being developed to classify U.S. air travelers by the degree of terrorist threat they might pose . The system, called CAPPS II (Computer - Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), would use large amounts of information about each passanger. We argue that what is publicity known about CAPPS II raises questions about how substantially the system would improve aviation security. We discuss conditions under which CAPPS II could yield safety benefits En: Risk analysis : an international journal. - New York and London : Society for Risk Analysis. - Vol. 24, nº 4, August 2004 ; p. 909-916 1. Terrorismo . 2. Atentados . 3. Seguridad . 4. Aviación . 5. Estados Unidos . 6. Sistemas informáticos . 7. CAPPS II . 8. Pasajeros . 9. Transporte aéreo . 10. Control de acceso . 11. Sistemas controlados por ordenador . I. Título.