
Lucky brakes

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Coffin, Bill
Lucky brakes / Bill Coffin
For years, the Detroit public school system was a poster child for mismanagement, incompetence and corruption. Things had gotten so bad, in fact, that in 1999, John Engler, then the governor of Michigan, summoned the city's entire school board the capital for the day. When thay assembled, he offered them a simple choice : resign or face felony corruption charges. The entire board resigned on the spot, and Engler set to rebuilding a school district ready, willing and able to do its job
En: Risk management. - New York. - Vol.52, nº6, June 2005 ; p. 24-29
1. Seguridad vial . 2. Seguridad en el transporte . 3. Autobuses . 4. Transporte terrestre . I. Título. II. Título: Risk management.