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MAP20071507135Cagiano de Azevedo, RaimondoThe Demographic situation now and the next 10 to 20 years / by Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo and Benedetta CassaniIt is necessary to increase to pensionable age if we want to maintain the stability of the welfare system. It is impossible not to take into consideration the key question as to how future demographics will interact with the stability of the welfare structure. The future ageing process involves change not only in the field of social security but also in the labour market. Another way to achieve a decrease in the pension expenditure would be to introduce the possibility of part-time work for the elderlyEn: European papers on the new welfare : the counter-ageing society. - Trieste, Geneva : The Risk Institute. - nº 1, May 2005 ; p. 38-451. Análisis demográfico. 2. Proyecciones demográficas. 3. Envejecimiento de la población. 4. Seguridad Social. 5. Pensiones. 6. Reforma de la Seguridad Social. 7. Reforma laboral. 8. Ageingnomics. Economia senior. I. Cassani, Benedetta. II. Título.