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Sección: ArtículosTítulo: ERM : time to catch the wave / Steven BerleyAutor: Berley, StevenNotas: With market changes happening every month across the globe, from the percentage of business failures surrounding failed or flawed corporate strategy and the dramatic change in global markets in just five years, it is becoming impossible to deny that a company's business strategy also is its biggest risk. Against such an incredibly complex risk, a solid enterprise risk management (ERM) program is the best, and quite possibly, the only defenseRegistros relacionados: En: Risk management. - New York. - Vol.53, nº 4, April 2006 ; p. 12-18Materia / lugar / evento: OrganizacionesGerencia de riesgosPlanes estrátegicosEstrategia corporativaAnálisis de riesgosPolítica empresarialTítulos secundarios: Título: Risk management Otras clasificaciones: 7Derechos: In Copyright (InC) Ver detalle del número