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Innovation vs. complexity : what is to much of a good thing?

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Gottfredson, Mark
Innovation vs. complexity : what is to much of a good thing? / Matt Gottfredson and Keith Aspinall
Sumario: To get at the roots of profit-destroying complexity, companies need to identify their innovation fulcrum, the point at which the level of product innovation maximizes both revenues and profits.Companies have strong incentives to be overly innovative in new-product development, because the continual launch of new products and the line extensions adds complexity throughout a company's operations
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - November 2005 ; p. 62-71
1. Empresas . 2. Innovación empresarial . 3. Satisfacción del cliente . 4. Estrategia empresarial . 5. Costes económicos . I. Aspinall, Keith . II. Título. III. Título: Harvard business review.