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Strategy and society : the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility

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Porter, Michael E.
Strategy and society : the link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility / Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer
Many companies have already done much to improve the social and enviromental consequences of their activities, yet these efforts have not been nearly as productive as they could be, for two reasons. First, they pit business against society, when clearly the two are interdependent. Second, they pressure companies to think of corporate social responsibility in generic ways instead of int the way most appropriate to each firm's strategy
En: Harvard business review. - Boston. - December 2006 ; p. 78-92
1. Management . 2. Dirección de empresas . 3. Estrategia organizativa . 4. Ventaja competitiva . 5. Responsabilidad social de la empresa . I. Kramer, Mark R. . II. Título. III. Título: Harvard business review.