
The Experience trap

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Título: The Experience trap / by Kishore Sengupta, Tarek K. Abdel-Hamid, and Luk N. Van WassenhoveAutor: Sengupta, Kishore
Notas: When companies put seasoned managers in charge of important projects, they dont expect missed deadlines, budget overruns, and rampant defects. However, thats what researchers found when they tested hundreds of experienced project managers with computer games that simulated software development projects. The study, conducted by two professors from Insead and one from Naval Postgraduate School, strongly suggests that veterans in complex environments suffer a breakdown in the learning processRegistros relacionados: En: Harvard Business Review. - Boston. - Vol. 86, nº 2, February 2008; p. 94-101Materia / lugar / evento: Toma de decisiones Modelos de simulación Directivos de empresas Aprendizaje de las organizaciones Management Otros autores: Abdel-Hamid, Tarek K.
Wassenhove, Luk N. van
Títulos secundarios: Título: Harvard Business Review
Otras clasificaciones: 922.111.1
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